2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'radio live stream'-Listening to 90.7 Love Radio Live Streaming

About 'radio live stream'-Listening to 90.7 Love Radio Live Streaming

               People               can               say               what               they               want               about               me               but               this               article               is               the               cold               hard               truth               about               what               I               have               tried               to               do               over               the               last               three               years               with               a               little               broadcasting               and               media               company               called               Outlaw               Sports               Radio.
               This               article               was               written               from               my               heart               and               my               feelings               and               my               perspective               so               hope               you               read               it!
               The               whole               idea               was               created               out               of               having               fun               and               the               fact               I               love               sports               also               played               a               big               part               of               what               I               tried               to               do               over               the               past               three               years               in               Jacksonville               Florida.

You               may               or               may               not               like               what               I               say               in               this               article               but               it               is               the               truth               of               what               happened               and               why               I               stopped               a               lot               of               things               I               was               planning               on               doing.
               First               of               all               I               was               one               of               the               first               companies               out               here               in               Jacksonville               that               brought               attention               to               many               of               the               armature               sports               in               Jacksonville.

If               you               do               not               believe               me               it               is               fine               but               I               will               tell               you               for               a               fact               many               people               had               no               idea               Jacksonville               Florida               had               semi-               professional               football,               or               rugby,               or               roller               derby,               or               that               mma               was               a               growing               sport               here               in               Jacksonville               before               I               came               along               with               all               my               crazy               ideas.
               It               is               funny               to               me               how               I               managed               to               have               the               United               Football               League               on               my               show,               and               even               did               a               few               videos.

I               think               today               they               still               hate               me               when               they               threw               me               out               of               the               office               in               Jacksonville               in               2009               I               recorded               it               and               posted               it               on               you               tube.

It               was               one               of               the               biggest               hit               videos               I               ever               posted.
               The               Jacksonville               Sharks               and               the               Arena               Football               League               also               came               on               our               show               and               even               allowed               us               interviews               in               2009               and               2010.

We               broadcasted               the               Dance               team               auditions               online               in               2009.
               I               was               all               over               town               in               2009               and               2010               interviewing               and               broadcasting               Roller               Derby               and               Rugby               but               I               will               tell               you               it               was               short               lived               as               the               teams               found               ways               or               stole               our               ideas               on               broadcasting               events               live               on               TV               or               the               internet.

I               think               I               am               still               then               only               person               to               broadcast               the               Rugby               Press               release               in               2009               even               though               many               times               the               team               invited               us               to               events               when               we               showed               up               they               did               not               want               us               there               really.
               We               had               a               blast               in               2009               and               2010               covering               MMA               fights               and               Semi-Professional               Football               but               again               found               out               soon               that               some               people               did               not               like               Outlaw               Sports               Radio               and               they               determined               to               destroy               the               company               at               any               means.

They               did               a               pretty               good               job               as               well               soon               we               were               considered               Outcast               in               the               sports               community.

It               did               not               matter               what               we               did               or               that               we               did               it               for               free,               and               that               we               were               out               doing               it               for               fun.

All               that               mattered               is               it               took               one               person               to               start               destroying               Outlaw               Sports               Radio.
               I               am               not               saying               it               was               all               bad               there               where               many               nice               people               we               want               to               thank               like:               The               Semi               National               Football               League               and               Deadgame               Fight               School               along               with               First               Full               Contact               Gym.

Jacksonville               Sharks,               Axemen               Maidens               Dance               Team,               John               Shaddok,               Jacksonville               Sharks               Dance               Team.

The               Jacksonville               Roller               Derby               Girls,               Jacksonville               Giants,               Jacksonville               Axemen,               and               other               people               and               sports               we               worked               with.
               The               truth               of               the               matter               however               is               that               no               matter               what               we               tried               or               attempted               in               Jacksonville               people               either               did               not               understand               what               we               were               doing               or               they               listen               to               people               that               gave               them               incorrect               and               wrong               information               about               us.

Another               thing               that               really               bothered               me               is               that               I               was               willing               to               do               everything               at               no               cost               to               anyone               but               yet               if               I               cannot               make               one               game               or               one               practice               I               was               the               bad               guy.
               People               did               not               understand               the               whole               building               an               internet               based               broadcasting               and               media               company.

I               wanted               to               do               things               that               people               and               other               media               companies               had               not               even               thought               of               doing,               or               where               afraid               and               I               was               willing               to               break               a               few               rules               and               regulations               to               do               it.

No               one               except               Outlaw               Sports               Radio               broadcasted               five               live               football               games               on               the               internet               using               a               lab               top               computer,               video               cam               and               wi               fi               or               broadband.

We               managed               to               do               just               that.

We               also               broadcasted               three               MMA               events,               and               a               few               of               the               Jacksonville               Giants               basketball               games               with               the               owner's               permission.

We               even               did               a               Roller               Derby               as               well.
               I               do               not               care               what               anyone               says               in               Jacksonville               I               know               for               a               fact               I               am               the               only               crazy               person               to               do               this!
               The               fun               came               to               an               abrupt               end               when               a               certain               company               and               person               started               rumors               and               bad               mouthing               Outlaw               Sports               Radio               to               all               these               people               we               worked               with.

What               was               really               amazing               is               they               listened               instead               of               reviewing               the               facts               or               talking               to               me               directly               they               choose               to               go               another               way.

I               decided               at               that               point               to               pull               all               videos               on               You               Tube,               U               Stream,               and               destroyed               many               of               the               live               broadcasts.

The               way               I               looked               at               it               is               if               this               is               really               how               they               felt               than               fine               why               should               I               bother               with               them.
               However               Many               times               when               I               was               at               my               lowest               point               I               got               calls               or               emails               from               some               of               the               people               who               got               to               know               me               and               they               knew               I               wanted               to               do               this.

They               could               fell               the               energy               from               me.

It               was               those               people               I               thank               the               most               because               I               did               not               quit               even               if               the               show               got               to               the               lowest               point               ever               in               2010               to               2011               I               still               do               live               shows               on               Blog               Talk               Radio.

Many               people               still               love               the               way               I               think               and               understand               what               I               was               attempting               to               accomplish.

I               wanted               to               prove               a               no               name               company               called               Outlaw               Sports               Radio               could               make               an               impact               on               the               community,               and               in               sports               around               the               area               we               lived               in               and               to               the               world.
               Did               we               do               it?
               I               believe               we               did               at               some               points               over               the               past               three               years               we               have               verified               millions               of               fans               and               even               today               even               though               our               show               and               company               is               on               the               down               slide               we               still               maintain               millions               of               fans               on               the               World               Wide               Web.
               WHAT               WHEN               WRONG?
               There               was               one               video               I               did               in               2009               it               had               over               500,000               hits.

I               was               in               the               ring               with               my               daughter               and               I               called               out               the               Owner               of               the               WWE.

I               guess               maybe               I               was               just               having               fun               at               the               time,               it               was               one               of               the               things               I               loved               doing               calling               people               out               and               putting               them               on               A               Most               Wanted               List.
               People               including               ESPN               hated               then               idea               but               I               loved               it               and               continued               doing               it               for               some               time.

Originally               I               was               on               Centaflix               Radio,               than               on               ESPN.

I               started               doing               you               tubes               as               a               fun               way               of               interviewing               people               and               doing               little               skits               to               promote               Outlaw               Sports               Radio.

Then               I               decided               to               take               it               further               and               broadcast               live               events               on               the               internet               using               U-Stream               and               Blog               Talk               Radio.
               It               was               a               lot               of               fun               but               here               was               the               issue               none               of               the               leagues               would               allow               me               to               say               I               was               doing               it               except               for               the               Semi               National               Professional               Football               League.

The               others               did               not               want               to               lose               ticket               sales               thinking               more               of               Outlaw               Sports               Radio               fans               would               watch               live               for               free               than               pay               a               fee               at               the               door.

To               resolve               this               issue               I               attempted               to               set               up               a               pay               per               view               but               in               the               end               that               idea               failed.

I               also               did               not               want               anyone               losing               money               so               I               agreed               to               do               events               without               any               notice               to               fans.

However               this               failed               miserably.
               After               a               while               some               teams               took               our               idea               and               banished               us.

Also               it               did               not               help               that               a               certain               company               and               person               was               so               afraid               of               Outlaw               Sports               Radio               that               they               started               to               copy               us               and               they               had               more               money               and               could               offer               people               more               incentives               to               let               them               film               or               broadcast               events.

To               a               lot               of               the               amateur               teams               in               need               of               much               publicity               and               sponsorship               this               was               an               ideal               mix.

I               cannot               say               I               blame               them               for               doing               it               but               it               was               the               fact               they               did               not               have               the               guts               to               step               up               and               say               it               to               my               face.

I               had               limited               equipment,               limited               funds,               and               I               could               not               afford               to               sponsor               anyone.

Matter               of               fact               that               was               another               down               fall               we               never               could               obtain               advertising               or               sponsors               for               the               show               or               broadcasted               events.
               I               had               spent               nearly               $2,500.00               in               equipment               just               so               I               could               attempt               to               do               what               I               was               doing.

Not               only               that               but               we               drove               to               live               games               and               events               taking               our               time               and               energy               to               do               them.

Do               not               get               me               wrong               some               people               welcomed               us               with               open               arms               and               there               came               a               lot               of               good               things               from               what               we               did.
               In               the               end               however               I               got               shown               the               door               as               I               Like               to               put               it.

It               really               does               not               seem               it               matters               to               people               what               your               attempting               to               do               for               them               if               you               miss               a               practice               or               cannot               make               a               game               you're               the               bad               guy.
               WHAT               NEXT?
               So               many               times               I               have               thought               about               closing               the               door.

Matter               fact               twice               I               have               removed               all               the               videos               on               you               tube,               and               Ustream,               and               even               removed               the               MY               Space               for               Outlaw               Sports               Radio.

Then               I               get               an               email               like               from               the               Florida               Falcons               or               Duval               County               Titans               or               even               get               a               pep               talk               from               one               of               the               Jaguar               players.
               I               get               leagues,               teams               and               people               who               want               to               be               guest               on               the               show               on               Blog               Talk               Radio.

This               year               has               been               extremely               hard               however.

I               have               done               no               youtubes,               no               ustreams               and               really               limited               the               shows               on               Blog               Talk               Radio.

There               are               numerous               reasons               for               this               but               mainly               money               and               time               as               I               need               to               work               full               time               and               support               my               family.
               At               one               point               we               wanted               to               do               an               on               line               magazine,               or               even               submit               a               documentary               film               at               the               Florida               Film               Festival               in               2012-2013               year.
               It               is               really               hard               when               you               know               in               your               heart               and               you               feel               a               strong               passion               for               something               but               it               seems               certain               things               prevent               you               from               doing               it.

At               the               same               time               you               do               not               want               to               give               up               your               idea,               your               dream,               and               your               passion.

That               is               where               I               am               at               with               Outlaw               Sports               Radio.
               There               are               things               I               want               to               do               but               I               have               to               work               and               that               prevents               me               from               going               to               a               lot               of               events.
               Also               I               have               a               family               I               cannot               just               expect               them               to               spend               all               my               free               time               doing               these               sports,               and               especially               when               it               really               seems               that               no               one               cares               about               what               I               am               attempting               to               do!
               There               are               times               when               I               want               to               find               a               way               to               do               Outlaw               Sports               Radio               but               that               would               require               making               money               from               it               something               I               never               wanted               to               have               to               do               was               ask               for               money               from               anyone!
               There               is               one               last               thing               thanks               to               Sean               Cassidy               for               sponsorship               from               2009-2010.

               Thanks               to               all               you               fans               on               facebook,               myspace,               blogger,               yahoo,               google,               msn               and               all               over               the               world.

               Thanks               to               all               the               people,               teams,               athletes               ,               and               people               who               stood               with               us               Outlaws!
               The               truth               is               at               this               moment               I               am               undecided               what               to               do               with               Outlaw               Sports               Radio,               is               it               over               or               have               I               just               begun               with               my               crazy               ideas!
               YOU               HAVE               TO               BECOME               AN               OUTLAW               TO               BE               AN               OUTLAW..THANKS               MICHEAL               TOMSIK               11/2011

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