2013년 12월 13일 금요일

About 'chicago radio stations online'-What radio station in Illinois carries the Savage Nation - Ask ...

About 'chicago radio stations online'-What radio station in Illinois carries the Savage Nation - Ask ...

               The               past               12               months               showed               some               intensive               activity               on               the               cybercriminal               front.

The               number               of               breaches               impacting               10,000               user               accounts               or               more               was               astonishingly               high.

Social               networks               such               as               Facebook               and               Twitter               (more               than               1               billion               active               users);               services               such               as               Evernote               and               Dropbox               (34               million               and               100               million               users               respectively);               even               multinationals               like               Apple               aren't               immune               to               hacking               attacks.
               VASCO               Data               Security,               a               world               leader               in               strong               authentication,               listed               a               number               of               very               realistic               scenario's               that               just               might               happen               tomorrow               to               you,               your               company,               your               favorite               artist,               your               cash,               your               property…               All               these               hacks               have               one               thing               in               common:               they               wouldn't               have               happened               if               the               accounts               were               secured               with               strong               authentication.
               Enjoy               the               reading:
               In-the-cloud               CRM               causes               stormy               weather               for               ambitious               SMB

Smith               runs               a               thriving               small               business.

In               a               very               competitive               sector,               he               was               able               to               grow               his               revenue               from               scratch               to               annual               revenue               of               $15               million               in               three               years'               time.

He               employs               5               people.

The               secret               for               his               success:               flexibility,               customer               service               and               sharp               prices.

His               growth               didn't               go               unnoticed               to               the               market               leader               in               the               sector,               who               loses               deal               after               deal               to               the               benefit               of               Mr.

               Suddenly,               Mr.

Smith's               business               success               declines.

The               larger               competitor               is               able               to               regain               market               share               by               focusing               on               Smith's               customer               base,               offering               lower-than-market               prices.

It               puzzles               Mr.

Smith               that               his               competitor               knows               who               his               customers               are               and               how               much               he               charges               them.
               What               happened?
               The               answer               is               simple:               industrial               espionage!

His               competitor               was               able               to               hack               Mr.

Smith's               in-the-cloud               Customer               Relationship               Management               (CRM)               system.

This               account               was               only               secured               with               a               static               username               &               password               combination,               giving               the               hacker               easy               access               to               Mr.

Smith's               crucial               customer               data.
               The               aftermath:

Smith's               successful               little               company               goes               bankrupt.

He               loses               everything.

His               employees               lose               their               jobs.

The               market               leading               company               gobbles               up               Smith's               customer               base               and               is               now               even               more               dominant.

The               ageing               Mr.

Smith               is               employed               by               his               erstwhile               competitor…               as               a               janitor.

The               company's               CEO               always               smiles               when               he               sees               Smith               closing               the               main               gate               at               night.
               What               if…               a               tweet               brings               disruption               on               a               mountain               pass?
               The               100th               edition               of               the               Tour               de               France               was               uncommonly               thrilling.

With               the               last               mountainous               stage               ahead,               the               two               team               members               Tony               Harper               and               William               Thomson               were               both               still               in               line               to               put               on               the               yellow               jersey               on               the               platform               on               the               Champs-Elysées.

Also               Monica               and               Mandy,               Tony's               and               William's               spouses               respectively,               bit               their               manicured               nails               because               of               the               unbearable               tension.

Although               they               normally               were               on               very               good               terms,               they               now               felt               a               kind               of               tension               hanging               between               them.

However,               nobody               could               have               presumed               the               proportions               this               tension               would               take               the               day               after.
               What               happened?
               During               the               night               before               the               last               and               crucial               mountainous               stage,               a               crooked               figure               hacked               Mandy's               Twitter               account               and               posted               a               message               about               Monica               in               no               uncertain               terms.

(We'll               spare               you               the               wording               because               of               its               unsuitability               for               the               sensitive               souls               amongst               us.)               Anyhow,               when               Monica               discovered               the               criminal               act,               she               felt               deeply               aggrieved               and               shed               floods               of               tears               on               Tony's               frail               shoulders.
               The               aftermath:
               Tony               felt               a               fit               of               anger               coming               up               by               such               an               amount               of               unfairness               and               viciousness.

"I'll               teach               that               bastard               a               lesson,"               he               whispered               sweetly               though               resolutely               in               Mandy's               ear.

No               sooner               said               than               done.

Right               before               the               top               of               the               Col               de               la               Madeleine,               Tony               saw               William               plodding               to               the               tip               of               the               mountain               and               considered               this               was               the               right               moment.

He               got               up               on               his               pedals,               gave               a               couple               of               sturdy               pushes               and               came               alongside               William.

Unexpectedly,               he               gave               him               a               firm               elbow.

William,               not               paying               attention               to               the               small               but               treacherous               pit               in               the               road,               felt               how               his               front               wheel               keeled               over               and               he               bumped               to               the               crash               barrier.

He               watched               Tony               smiling,               and               stayed               behind,               counted               out,               painful               and               dismayed.
               University               credibility
               Blake               McIver,               a               law               student               at               the               renowned               University               of               Lakebridge,               was               in               the               middle               of               his               exam               period,               but               did               not               seem               to               care.

Even               though               the               son               and               heir               of               the               McIver               Industries               spent               most               of               his               days               in               bed               and               most               of               the               nights               expending               the               family               money               on               alcoholic               liquids,               girls,               bets               (mostly               about               alcoholic               liquids               and               girls),               he               looked               surprisingly               assured               of               his               good               grades               and               graduation               in               this               last               semester.
               What               happened?
               During               one               of               his               nightly               excesses,               Blake               met               Hacko,               a               hacker               who               succeeded               to               break               into               the               university's               computer               system               containing               'safe'               communication               between               professors,               from               professors               to               the               school               administration               and               vice               versa.

Apparently,               Hacko               had               found               a               way               to               get               into               this               system               in               which               exam               questions               and               results               were               exchanged.

Blake               convinced               Hacko               to               accept               a               cheerful               monthly               fee               to               get               him               the               information               or               change               whatever               was               necessary               to               get               acceptable               grades.
               The               aftermath:
               Recently,               abnormal               activities               from               an               IP               address,               origin               Aruba,               were               noticed               on               the               university's               CRM               system               during               an               audit               of               the               university's               administration.

At               first,               the               university               eagerly               tried               to               keep               this               quite,               but               a               few               days               later,               the               news               was               out               nationally.

The               rumor               of               fraud               in               one               of               the               most               prominent               universities               in               the               country               set               fire,               especially               amongst               the               high               society.

Blake               McIver,               now               the               youngest               CEO               in               the               McIver               Industries'               history,               presented               himself               as               one               of               the               opponents               of               the               system:               "How               can               we               assure               our               companies               to               hire               descent               students               if               fraud               is               possible?"
               Due               to               the               scandal,               the               university's               long-term               sponsorships               and               commercial               relationships               with               high-end               companies               are               at               stake.

Parents               do               not               want               to               send               their               children               to               the               university,               afraid               that               their               grades               will               be               questionable.

A               historical               university               ends               up               as               a               moderate               educational               institution,               having               difficulties               to               keep               the               head               above               water.
               Emergency               landing               causes               havoc               and               ruins               reputation
               Trending               topic               on               Twitter:               Flight               4517SFC               from               SkyFly               Continental               crash               landed               in               Nebraska.

The               tweet               links               to               SkyFly's               Facebook               page               where               the               following               dreadful               announcement               is               posted:               "Flight               4517SFC               from               Denver               to               Chicago               O'Hare               has               made               an               emergency               landing               near               Pawnee               City,               Nebraska.

We               currently               have               no               details               with               regards               to               casualties.

Emergency               services               are               on               site.

Concerned               relatives               can               call               our               emergency               number               for               more               information."
               Within               minutes               after               the               announcement,               it               was               shared               numerous               times               and               calls               started               flooding               SkyFly               Continental's               contact               center.

Criticism               was               ventilated               when               people               tried               reaching               the               emergency               number               and               the               line               appeared               to               be               disengaged.

The               crash               became               a               trending               topic               on               Twitter               and               the               news               even               made               headlines               in               the               online               version               of               the               Denver               Courier               and               local               radio               stations.
               What               happened?

SkyFly               Continental               is               a               popular               midsize               airway               carrier,               well-               known               for               its               low               fare               flights.

The               company               runs               a               very               active               social               media               campaign               and               regularly               organize               sweepstakes,               polls               and               competitions.

Its               Facebook               page               has               about               387,000               likes               and               the               company               has               more               than               100,000               followers               on               its               Twitter               account.

A               hacker               succeeded               in               retrieving               the               static               password               of               SkyFly               Continental's               Facebook               account.

He               posted               the               alarming               announcement               of               the               alleged               crash               causing               widespread               panic               and               insufferable               damage               to               the               airline's               reputation.
               The               aftermath:               the               company               reacted               within               less               than               twenty               minutes               removing               the               alarming               post               and               informing               people               that               the               company's               account               was               hacked.

SkyFly               Continental               reassured               there               was               no               airplane               crash               and               that               all               information               regarding               the               alleged               crash               was               false.

The               airline               immediately               set               up               a               dedicated               information               number               (a               real               one)               to               inform               worried               people               calling               about               friends               and               relatives               about               what               had               happened.

The               company               started               an               extensive               media               campaign               apologizing               for               the               panic               caused.

It               was               even               sued               by               individuals               claiming               to               have               suffered               from               the               security               breach               and               in               one               instance               even               settled               a               case               paying               stiff               compensation               to               an               elderly               grandmother               who               had               a               stroke               upon               hearing               the               news,               thinking               her               grandson               was               involved               in               the               crash.

Image of chicago radio stations online

chicago radio stations online
chicago radio stations online

chicago radio stations online Image 1

chicago radio stations online
chicago radio stations online

chicago radio stations online Image 2

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chicago radio stations online

chicago radio stations online Image 3

chicago radio stations online
chicago radio stations online

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chicago radio stations online
chicago radio stations online

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