2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'internet radio broadcasting'-Ars Technica: Broadcast radio only relevant in movies; make way for Internet radio

About 'internet radio broadcasting'-Ars Technica: Broadcast radio only relevant in movies; make way for Internet radio

You               all               know               the               phrase,               also               a               popular               song               title:               "Video               killed               the               radio               star."               Well,               at               the               time,               everyone               seemed               to               think               that               radio               was               doomed               with               the               onset               of               music               television.

Usually,               drastic               new               technology               replaces               old               technology.

But               as               it               turned               out,               it               didn't               happen.

Sure,               radio               took               a               hit               in               overall               listeners,               but               it's               far               from               dying               out.

Nowadays,               people               can               listen               to               music               on               music               television,               special               channels               on               most               satellite               and               even               cable               packages,               satellite               radio,               and               on               the               internet               -               either               through               songs               you               pick               on               popular               sites               like               MySpace.com               or               dedicated               internet               radio               stations.

I               know               I've               been               enjoying               Pandora's               internet               radio               station               with               their               emphasis               on               customizing               the               station               to               suit               your               tastes.

Unfortunately,               recent               governmental               decisions               may               cripple               or               kill               most               if               not               all               internet               radio               stations               that               are               currently               available.

I               personally               believe               that               internet               radio               is               by               far               the               best               advancement               in               the               public               distribution               of               music.

Not               only               do               most               net               radio               stations               have               far               less               commercials               (and               they're               usually               graphic,               not               even               interrupting               the               music),               but               they               also               have               a               far               wider               range               of               styles               available               that               usually               aren't               commercially               feasible               on               a               local               level.

You're               probably               familiar               with               a               "hot               now!"               local               station               changing               to               a               style               that               you               don't               like,               or               even               an               oldies               station               deciding               to               start               playing               music               from               the               following               decade               -               you               know,               the               one               you               were               avoiding               by               listening               to               that               oldies               station.

Well,               with               net               radio               it               doesn't               matter               if               a               station               changes.

There               are               plenty               more               to               choose               from               and               it               should               be               easy               to               find               what's               most               suited               to               your               tastes.

So,               why               is               the               Copyright               Royalty               Board               trying               to               change               that?

This               is               an               organization               that               should               be               devoted               to               making               sure               music               artists               get               their               just               desserts               when               their               music               is               played               on               the               radio.

Until               internet               radio               made               a               vastly               larger               audience               available               to               potential               broadcasters,               most               lesser-known               musicians               had               no               chance               of               being               broadcast               publicly.

In               this               manner,               internet               radio               has               enabled               the               music               industry               to               expand               quickly               and               more               broadly               than               ever               before               possible.

As               far               as               I'm               concerned,               there's               no               reason               to               stop               this               valuable               expansion               now.
               On               March               2,               2007,               the               Copyright               and               Royalty               Board               issued               new               royalty               rates               that               applied               specifically               to               internet               broadcasts.

The               new               royalty               rates               are               almost               triple               their               previous               rate               (which               was               decided               only               two               years               ago).

Why               the               sudden               drastic               increase?

Who               knows...

it               certainly               jumps               much               higher               than               the               rate               of               inflation.

Standard               radio               broadcasting               does               not               have               to               pay               royalty               fees               at               all               and               the               new               rates               for               internet               radio               are               more               than               four               times               as               high               as               satellite               radio               has               to               pay.

There               is               no               apparent               reason               for               this               drastic               attack               on               internet               radio.

Not               only               are               the               new               rates               ridiculously               high,               but               they're               retroactive               to               the               beginning               of               2006.

Most               net               radio               stations               don't               operate               with               the               huge               budgets               that               local               and               national               broadcasters               have,               and               they'll               likely               bankrupt               just               trying               to               pay               retroactive               fees.

There's               certainly               no               way               they               can               continue               with               these               incredibly               unfair               rates.

On               top               of               what               appears               to               be               an               obvious               injustice,               the               Copyright               Royalty               Board               released               another               statement               on               April               16th               denying               a               motion               for               rehearing               the               raised               royalty               rates.
               Are               you               an               internet               radio               fan?

Are               you               remotely               interested               in               ever               having               the               chance               to               check               it               out               and               see               if               it               suits               you               better               than               traditional               broadcasting               forms?

If               so,               action               must               be               taken               quickly               to               save               the               almost               sure               death               of               all               net               radio.

Thankfully,               a               coalition               of               music               artists,               record               labels,               listeners               and               webcasters               has               formed               to               rally               support               for               internet               radio.

Their               website               is               easy               to               find:               SaveNetRadio.org               .

From               there,               you               can               spread               the               word               to               friends,               send               e-mails               or               letters               directly               to               your               congressional               representatives               and               find               out               any               other               steps               you               can               take               to               stop               this               ruling               before               it               destroys               the               diversity               of               net               radio.

I've               e-mailed               all               of               my               congressional               representatives               and               have               already               received               a               response               from               one               of               them.

He               assured               me               that               as               a               member               of               the               Energy               and               Commerce               committee,               he'll               exert               what               influence               he               has               to               revoke               this               ruling.

Big               government               rulings               like               this               usually               aren't               changed               based               on               the               opinion               of               one               person,               but               if               we               all               do               our               part,               they'll               listen.

We               are               who               elects               them               and               they               need               our               support               and               are               willing               to               listen               to               our               collective               voice.

So,               let's               work               together               and               save               net               radio!

Image of internet radio broadcasting

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internet radio broadcasting

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internet radio broadcasting

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internet radio broadcasting

internet radio broadcasting Image 3

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internet radio broadcasting

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    2013년 11월 29일 금요일

    About 'dubai radio online'-Podcast from my radio debute is available online

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                   Holy               War,               Inc.

    represents               Peter               Bergen's               thesis               that               Osama               bin               Laden               "…and               his               followers               have               exploited               twenty-first               century               communications               and               weapons               technology               in               the               service               of               the               most               extreme,               retrograde               reading               of               holy               war"               (Bergen,               2001,               p.


    Bergen,               a               terrorism               analyst               for               CNN,               was               the               first               journalist               to               conduct               a               television               interview               with               Osama               bin               Laden.

    He               currently               serves               as               a               fellow               at               the               New               America               Foundation               in               Washington,               D.C.,               and               is               an               Adjunct               Professor               at               the               School               of               Advanced               International               Studies               at               Johns               Hopkins               University               (www.peterbergen.com).
                   BERGEN'S               THESIS
                   Bergen               uses               Holy               War,               Inc.

    to               demonstrate               how               the               terrorists               that               make               up               the               organization               known               as               al-Qaeda               use               modern               methods               to               wage               what               is               essentially               a               medieval               form               of               warfare.

    He               explains               in               great               detail               how               the               face               of               terrorism               has               changed,               as               represented               by               Osama               bin               Laden's               al-Qaeda               network,               to               reflect               a               new               type               of               terrorist;               one               who               is               more               educated,               more               affluent,               and               who               uses               world               travel,               global               contacts,               modern               technology,               and               advanced               business               techniques               to               wage               war.
                   This               combination               of               people,               technology,               business               practices,               world               travel               and               global               contacts               are               each               examined               in               Holy               War,               Inc.

    and               represent               for               Bergen               the               fusion               of               modernity               with               the               age               old               practice               of               terrorist               activity.

    According               to               Bergen,               "No               single               event               better               illustrates               this               fusion               than               the               attacks               on               the               World               Trade               Center               and               the               Pentagon.

    Bin               Laden's               men,               some               of               whom               had               trained               in               the               U.S.

    as               pilots,               flew               passenger               jets               into               two               of               the               world's               most               famous               buildings               in               a               martyrdom               operation               that               would,               in               their               view,               instantly               take               them               to               paradise.

    They               saw               themselves               as               shuhadaa               -               martyrs               in               the               name               of               Allah               -               and               their               attacks               as               acts               of               worship"               (Bergen,               p.


    To               understand               the               combination               of               modernity               and               terrorist               activity,               as               demonstrated               by               al-Qaeda,               it               is               necessary               to               examine               more               closely               the               elements               of               Bergen's               thesis.
                   EVALUATION               OF               THE               THESIS
                   The               heart               of               any               terrorist               organization               is               the               people               that               comprise               it.

    For               al-Qaeda,               according               to               Bergen,               the               terrorists               that               follow               bin               Laden               are               of               a               different               breed               than               the               terrorists               of               the               past.

    Bergen               tells               us,               "…the               men               attracted               to               bin               Laden's               standard,               like               so               many               of               the               newer               generation               of               Islamist               militants,               are               more               likely               to               have               studied               technical               subjects               as               medicine               and               engineering,               or               had               careers               in               business,               than               to               have               studied               the               finer               points               of               Islamic               jurisprudence"               (Bergen,               p.

                   Additionally,               says               Bergen               of               the               terrorists               who               attacked               the               United               States               on               September               11,               2001,               "…they               were               generally               well-educated,               technically               savvy               young               men               who               blended               all               too               well               into               their               various               American               communities               in               California,               Florida,               and               Virginia.

    They               did               not               wear               the               full               beards               of               the               typical               Islamist               militant,               but               were               clean-shaven.

    They               worked               out               at               gyms,               ordered               in               pizza,               and               booked               their               flights               on               the               Internet.

    Some               even               drank               on               occasion-a               grave               sin               for               a               serious               Muslim               but               an               excellent               cover               for               bin               Laden's               operatives.

    In               short,               the               hijackers               looked               and               acted               like               the               increasingly               diverse               United               States               of               the               twenty-first               century"               (Bergen,               p.

                   Bergen               spends               considerable               time               detailing               the               types               of               individuals               that               comprise               al-Qaeda.

    He               particularly               focuses               on               two               well               known               terrorists:               Ramzi               Yousef,               who               was               a               leader               in               the               1993               bombing               of               the               World               Trade               Center,               and               Mohamed               Atta,               the               leader               of               the               terrorists               who               hijacked               four               airliners               on               September               11,               2001,               and               attacked               the               Pentagon               and               the               World               Trade               Center.
                   Ramzi               Yousef,               Bergen               tells               us,               is               the               "…prototype               of               the               technically               savvy,               worldly               young               men               who               are               the               shock               troops               of               Holy               War,               Inc…"               (Bergen,               p.


    Yousef               was               educated               in               England               as               an               electrical               engineer               and               spoke               excellent               English,               but               traveled               the               world               practicing               terrorism               in               such               places               as               Afghanistan,               the               United               States,               Southeast               Asia,               and               Pakistan               (Bergen,               p.


    Mohamed               Atta,               according               to               Bergen,               "…embodies               the               marriage               of               religious               zeal               and               technical               accomplishment               typical               of               al-Qaeda's               elite               recruits"               (Bergen,               p.


    Atta               studied               urban               planning               and               preservation               at               Germany's               Hamburg               Technical               Institute               and               hailed               from               a               religious,               middle-class               family               in               Cairo,               Egypt               (Bergen,               p.


                   Bergen               goes               to               some               length               to               provide               great               detail               on               the               individuals               associated               with               Osama               bin               Laden's               al-Qaeda               movement.

    His               in-depth               profiles               of               the               leading               figures,               including               Osama               bin               Laden               and               Ayman               al-Zawahiri,               provide               detailed               characterizations               of               the               neo-terrorists               that               make               up               al-Qaeda:               young,               passionately               religious               men               who               are               not               destitute               and               see               a               future               without               hope,               but               are               in               fact               well-educated               individuals               with               middle-class               economic               and               social               backgrounds.
                   These               neo-terrorists               are,               according               to               Bergen,               "…bona               fide               world               travelers"               (Bergen,               p.


    They               travel               the               globe               making               contact               with               other               terrorists               who               are               part               of               al-Qaeda               and               with               terrorists               who               represent               other               militant               groups.

    The               ability               to               travel               around               the               world               enables               al-Qaeda               members               to               communicate               with               individual               terrorist               cells               and               is               an               integral               part               of               the               group's               planning,               coordination,               and               execution               of               terrorist               attacks.

    Bergen               also               discusses               the               travel               habits               of               al-Qaeda's               leader,               Osama               bin               Laden,               to               demonstrate               the               marriage               of               modernity               and               terrorist               activity:               "Bin               Laden's               methods               of               travel               are               equally               modern:               when               he               lived               in               Sudan,               he               generally               kept               a               couple               of               pilots               on               call.

    And               when               he               traveled               from               Pakistan               to               Sudan               with               his               family               and               followers               in               1991,               they               made               the               trip               in               his               personal               jet"               (Bergen,               p.

                   The               brief               discussion               on               the               ability               of               al-Qaeda               terrorists               to               travel               the               globe               is               important               because               it               helps               demonstrate               the               global               nature               of               bin               Laden's               organization.

    Bergen               discusses               at               great               length               the               global               reach               of               al-Qaeda               and               likens               the               group               to               a               multinational               holding               corporation,               with               bin               Laden               as               the               Chief               Executive               Officer,               that               has               "…truly               gone               global"               (Bergen               p.


    He               goes               on               to               say,               "Bin               Laden's               network-which               also               values               technical               proficiency,               albeit               of               a               rather               specialized               kind-is               as               cosmopolitan               as               the               cosmocrats'.

    Consider               the               range               of               places               in               which               it               has               principally               operated:               Sudan,               Egypt,               Saudi               Arabia,               Yemen,               Somalia,               Afghanistan,               Pakistan,               Bosnia,               Croatia,               Albania,               Algeria,               Tunisia,               Lebanon,               the               Philippines,               Tajikistan,               Azerbaijan,               Kenya,               Tanzania,               Kashmir               in               India,               and               Chechnya               in               Russia.

    Al-Qaeda               has               also               attracted               followers               in               the               United               States-in               New               York,               Boston,               Texas,               Florida,               Virginia,               and               California;               and               in               the               United               Kingdom-in               London               and               Manchester.

    Bin               Laden               adherents               have               been               arrested               in               places               as               disparate               as               Jordan,               Seattle,               France,               Uruguay,               and               Australia"               (Bergen,               p.

                   Bergen               does               an               excellent               job               of               detailing               the               global               nature               of               al-Qaeda.

    He               describes               how               the               group               has               grown               by               saying,               "During               the               time               al-Qaeda               was               based               in               Sudan,               the               group               forged               alliances               with               a               range               of               other               militant               organizations:               Egypt's               Islamic               Group               and               Jihad               Group;               Algeria's               Armed               Islamic               Group;               the               Libyan               Fighting               Group;               a               Yemeni               group,               Saif               Islamic               Jannubi;               and               the               Syrian               organization               Jamaat               e-Jihal               al-Suri"               (Bergen,               p.


    Bergen               attributes               much               of               the               group's               global               nature               to               an               increasingly               globalized               culture               in               which,               "…bin               Laden's               ideas               are               influencing               the               beliefs               and               actions               of               militants               from               Yemen               to               Kenya               to               England"               (Bergen,               p.

                   He               goes               on               to               say,               "…bin               Laden's               organization…is               as               much               a               creation               of               globalization               as               a               response               to               it.

    The               network               was               formed               in               the               crucible               of               an               international               conflict               between               the               Soviet               Union               and               Afghanistan-a               war               that               drew               in               Pakistanis,               Americans,               and               Saudis,               along               with               Muslims               from               all               over               the               globe"               (Bergen,               p.


    Finally,               Bergen               says,               "On               February               22,               1998,               bin               Laden…announced               the               formation               of               the               World               Islamic               Front               for               Jihad               against               the               Jews               and               the               Crusaders.
                   Cosignatories               of               the               agreement               included               Ayman               al-Zawahiri               of               Egypt's               Jihad               Group,               bin               Laden's               most               trusted               lieutenant;               Rifia               Ahmed               Taha               of               Egypt's               Islamic               Group;               and               the               leaders               of               Pakistani               and               Bangladeshi               militant               organizations.

    All               were               brought               together               under               one               umbrella               for               the               first               time"               (Bergen,               p.


    The               global               nature               of               al-Qaeda               supports               Bergen's               thesis               because               it               demonstrates               the               modern               nature               of               the               terrorist               organization.

    Traveling               terrorists               plan,               coordinate,               and               execute               attacks               through               the               cooperation               of               individual               cells               in               multiple               countries               around               the               globe.
                   Another               critical               component               of               Bergen's               thesis               is               the               application               of               business               principles               and               techniques               to               the               al-Qaeda               terrorist               organization.

    Bergen               describes               how               al-Qaeda               set               up               numerous               business               enterprises,               including               trading               companies               called               Wadi               al-Aqiq               and               Ladin               International,               an               agricultural               company               called               al-Themar,               a               leather               company               called               Khartoum               Tannery,               a               trucking               company               called               al-Qudurat,               the               al-Hijra               Construction               Company,               the               Blessed               Fruits               Company,               and               a               company               called               al-Ikhlas,               which               dealt               in               sweets               and               honey               (Bergen,               p.

                   Bergen               goes               on               to               discuss               how               the               terrorist               group               treats               its               finances               like               a               global               business               enterprise               by               maintaining               bank               accounts               "…at               banks               in               Cyprus,               Malaysia,               Hong               Kong,               Dubai,               Vienna,               and               London"               (Bergen,               p.


    Additionally,               "…bin               Laden               also               applied               business               techniques               picked               up               from               his               years               working               for               the               family               company.

    During               the               1980s               Afghan               War,               he               set               up               offices               in               Pakistan               and               the               United               States;               raised               funds               in               Saudi               Arabia;               recruited               fighters               from               every               country               in               the               Muslim               world;               and               used               the               resources               of               his               family               company               to               build               bases               inside               Afghanistan               for               his               holy               warriors"               (Bergen,               p.


    Bergen               goes               on               to               give               examples               of               bin               Laden               and               his               associates               opening               offices               around               the               world,               exporting               fighters               as               if               they               were               a               commodity,               and               providing               funding               to               other               groups               involved               in               the               business               of               terror.

    Bergen's               discussion               of               the               individual               members               of               al-Qaeda,               the               global               presence               of               the               group,               and               the               business-like               manner               in               which               al-Qaeda               is               run               leads               to               a               discussion               of               perhaps               the               most               critical               element               in               Bergen's               thesis:               the               use               of               modern               technology               by               al-Qaeda               members               as               they               conduct               their               holy               war.
                   Bergen's               discussion               of               al-Qaeda's               use               of               modern               methods               concentrates               on               three               primary               technologies               used               by               bin-Laden               and               his               associates               in               the               conduct               of               their               terror               campaign:               communications               technology,               the               Internet,               and               the               media.

                   Al-Qaeda               uses               some               of               the               most               modern               forms               of               communications               technology               available               on               the               world               market               today.

    An               Aviation               Week               article               on               al-Qaeda's               communications               capabilities               stated,               "…they               are               actually               among               the               world's               sophisticated               practitioners,               and               their               wireless               networks               serve               as               the               central               nervous               system               of               al-Qaeda's               military               reconnaissance               and               command               structure"               (Aviation               Week,               2002).

    The               article               goes               on               to               support               Bergen's               assertion               about               al-Qaeda's               use               of               modern               technology               by               describing               the               U.S.

    experience               in               Operation               Enduring               Freedom               in               Afghanistan:               "U.S.

    communications               intelligence               specialists…detect               dozens               of               wireless               telephone               calls               to               al-Qaeda               command               groups               every               time               an               allied               unit               drives               through               a               village"               (Aviation               Week,               2002).

    The               article               continues,               "The               commander               that               controlled               al-Qaeda's               reaction               to               Operation               Anaconda…was               a               veteran               of               the               fighting               against               the               Soviet               Union               and               simultaneously               used               at               least               five               radio               operators               and               communications               channels,               each               involving               one               or               more               languages               for               each               ethnic               group               involved               (Arab,               Pakistani,               Uzbek,               Afghan,               etc.).

    The               wireless               telephones…tied               the               observer               corps…to               the               al-Qaeda               and               Taliban               combat               forces               and               the               overall               tactical               commander"               (Aviation               Week,               2002).
                   To               support               his               thesis               regarding               the               use               of               modern               systems               in               the               conduct               of               al-Qaeda's               jihad,               Bergen               tells               us               that,               "The               head               of               the               secretive               U.S.

    National               Security               Agency               said               that               bin               Laden               has               better               technology               for               communications               than               the               United               States.

    The               Saudi               militant's               followers               communicate               by               fax,               satellite               phone,               and               e-mail.

    They               encrypt               memos               on               their               Macintosh               and               Toshiba               computers.

    And               in               the               mid-1990s               members               of               al-Qaeda               made               a               CD-ROM               containing               hundreds               of               pages               of               information               about               various               kinds               of               weaponry,               as               well               as               instructions               on               how               to               build               bombs               and               conduct               terrorist               and               paramilitary               operations"               (Bergen,               pp.

                   To               further               illustrate               this,               Bergen               tells               us,               "When               bin               Laden               declared               war               on               Americans               in               1996,               he               described               U.S.

    soldiers               stationed               in               the               Middle               East               as               'the               Crusaders,'               as               if               the               crusades               of               the               Middle               Ages               were               still               being               fought,               and               signed               his               declaration               'from               the               peaks               of               the               Hindu               Kush               mountains               of               Afghanistan,'               a               place               barely               touched               by               the               modern               world.

    That               declaration               of               war               was               written               on               an               Apple               computer               and               then               faxed               or               e-mailed               to               supporters               in               Pakistan               and               Britain,               who               in               turn               made               it               available               to               Arabic               newspapers               based               in               London,               which               subsequently               beamed               the               text,               via               satellite,               to               printing               centers               all               over               the               Middle               East               and               in               New               York.

    Thus,               a               premodern               message               was               delivered               by               postmodern               means"               (Bergen,               p.

                   Alan               Cullison               supports               Bergen's               discussion               of               computer               technology               in               an               article               for               the               Atlantic               Monthly,               in               which               he               describes               how               he               purchased               two               al-Qaeda               computers               in               Kabul.

    An               examination               of               the               hard               drives               of               the               computers,               according               to               Cullison,               yielded               documents               that               "…included               budgets,               training               manuals               for               recruits,               and               scouting               reports               for               international               attacks,               and               they               shed               light               on               everything               from               personal               matters               and               petty               bureaucratic               sniping               to               theological               discussions               and               debates               about               the               merits               of               suicide               operations"               (Cullison,               2004).

    Cullison               went               on               to               say,               "There               were               also               video               files,               photographs,               scanned               documents,               and               Web               pages,               many               of               which,               it               became               clear,               were               part               of               the               group's               increasingly               sophisticated               efforts               to               conduct               a               global               Internet-based               publicity               and               recruitment               effort"               (Cullison,               2004).
                   According               to               Bergen,               "The               Internet               has               had               as               great               an               impact               on               Holy               War,               Inc.

    as               it               has               on               many               other               concerns.

    The               recruitment               videotape               made               by               al-Qaeda               in               2001               was               converted               to               DVD               format,               which               makes               it               easy               to               copy               by               computer,               and               was               made               available               in               several               chatrooms.

    There               are               also               Web               sites               devoted               to               bin               Laden               and               jihadist               sites…which               deliver               a               wide               range               of               products               and               services"               (Bergen,               p.

                   A               Newsweek               article               about               an               Arabic               Web               site               known               as               Azzam               supports               Bergen's               assertion               about               al-Qaeda's               use               of               the               Internet.

    The               article               says               that,               "Some               intelligence               sources               believe               the               Web               site               may…contain               hidden               instructions               for               al-Qaeda               terrorist               operatives"               (Hosenball,               2001).

    Additionally,               the               article               says,               "British               and               U.S.

    intelligence               sources               suspect               some               of               the               site's               lurid               jihad               photos               and               graphics               contain               secret               messages               embedded               through               a               technology               called               steganography,               for               which               free               software               can               be               downloaded               from               the               Internet"               (Hosenball,               2001).
                   However,               according               to               Alex               Salkever,               "…the               string               of               attacks               that               police               and               intelligence               agencies               have               averted               since               September               11               tells               a               interesting               tale.

    From               seizing               a               bomb-materials               cache               in               Belgium               to               uncovering               a               possible               plot               to               gas               the               U.S.

    Embassy               in               Rome               with               deadly               cyanide,               the               success               in               thwarting               threats               has               been               truly               breathtaking.

    Considering               the               difficulties               in               getting               agents               on               the               ground               inside               small               terrorist               cells               that               function               within               tight-knit               militant               Islamic               communities,               the               likely               alternative               is               that               al-Qaeda               has               been               hacked               quite               nicely"               (Salkever,               2002).

    If               Salkever               is               correct,               a               major               component               of               Bergen's               thesis               may               be               made               irrelevant.

    While               the               Internet               is               only               one               component               of               the               modern               technology               described               by               Bergen,               it               represents               an               advanced               form               of               technological               communication               capability               that               al-Qaeda               has               relied               upon               heavily               to               coordinate               and               plan               its               terrorist               attacks.
                   The               final               major               component               of               Bergen's               discussion               of               technology               deals               with               al-Qaeda's               use               of               the               media.

    Bergen               tells               us               that               bin               Laden,               in               1997,               "…gave               his               first               television               interview…to               CNN               from               one               of               his               hideouts               near               Jalalabad"               (Bergen,               p.


    According               to               Bergen,               bin               Laden               "…demonstrates               a               keen               understanding               of               the               media's               insatiable               need               for               new               pictures               and               statements"               (Bergen,               p.


    Nothing               demonstrates               this               better,               as               Bergen               discusses,               than               when               the               United               States               launched               Operation               Enduring               Freedom,               the               attack               on               the               Taliban               in               Afghanistan:               "At               the               very               moment               that               tens,               perhaps               hundreds,               of               millions               of               people               around               the               world               were               glued               to               the               grainy               green               nightscope               picture               of               the               bombing               raids               in               Afghanistan,               the               world's               most               wanted               man               popped               up               in               the               middle               of               the               coverage               to               revel               in               al-Qaeda's               success"               (Bergen,               p.


    He               goes               on               to               say,               "It               was               a               supremely               confident               performance               and               a               perfect               illustration               of               Holy               War,               Inc.

    in               operation-utilizing               the               satellite               uplinks               of               the               world's               television               networks               to               beam               a               global               message               of               holy               war"               (Bergen,               p.

                   Peter               Bergen               provides               an               in-depth               discussion               of               Osama               bin               Laden's               al-Qaeda               organization.

    He               accomplished               his               purpose               of               explaining               how               al-Qaeda               uses               modern               methods               to               wage               a               premodern               form               of               warfare               by               drawing               on               first-hand               interviews               with               people               who               have               been               involved               with               Osama               bin               Laden.

    His               journalistic               credentials               are               no               more               spectacular               than               any               other               network               terrorism               analyst,               but               he               traveled               to               the               lands               most               utilized               by               bin               Laden               and               his               followers.

    He               went               into               the               heart               of               the               home               of               the               Taliban               and               met               bin               Laden               himself.
                   Bergen               devotes               entire               chapters               to               the               development               of               Osama               bin               Laden               and               al-Qaeda.

    He               provides               incredible               detail               in               support               of               his               thesis               by               examining               very               closely               the               reasons               for               al-Qaeda's               existence               and               the               men               and               groups               that               support               its               goals.

    His               focus               on               the               global               nature               of               the               group               is               evidenced               by               his               detailed               discussions               of               bin               Laden's               time               in               Sudan               and               Afghanistan,               the               influence               of               Egyptian               radical               groups               on               al-Qaeda,               and               the               connections               between               al-Qaeda               and               terrorist               activities               in               Great               Britain,               the               United               States,               Pakistan,               the               Philippines,               and               Chechnya.

    While               much               of               the               material               presented               is               openly               available,               his               use               of               knowledgeable               sources               lends               a               credibility               to               his               work               that               is               found               in               few               other               places.

    This               book               is               recommended               reading               for               anyone               wanting               to               understand               why               al-Qaeda               is               at               war               with               the               United               States.

    It               is               easy               to               read               and               provides               a               level               of               detail               that               will               enlighten               the               minds               of               those               who               take               the               time               to               understand               it.
                   WORKS               CITED
                   Al-Qaeda               Uses               Secure               Links               To               Track               U.S.

    Troops               in               Combat.

    Aviation               Week               &               Space               Technology,               11/25/2002,               Vol.

    157               Issue               22,               p56.

    Retrieved               from               Ebscohost               database               on               the               World               Wide               Web:               http://ebscohost.com.

                   Bergen,               P.


    Holy               War,               Inc.

    New               York:               The               Free               Press.

                   Cullison,               A.


    Inside               Al-Qaeda's               Hard               Drive.

    The               Atlantic               Monthly,               September,               2004.

    Retrieved               from               Ebscohost               database               on               the               World               Wide               Web:               http://ebscohost.com.

                   Hosenball,               M.


    Warning               From               A               Web               Site.

    Newsweek,               12/17/2001,               Vol.

    138               Issue               25,               p8.

    Retrieved               from               Ebscohost               database               on               the               World               Wide               Web:               http://ebscohost.com.

                   Peter               Bergen               Web               Site               at               http://www.peterbergen.com.

                   Salkever,               A.


    Hacking               Al               Qaeda's               Secrets.

    Business               Week               Online,               3/12/2002,               pN.PAG,               00p.

    Retrieved               from               Ebscohost               database               on               the               World               Wide               Web:               http://ebscohost.com.

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